Most entrepreneurs are moving quickly and making decisions, right or wrong, to move forward.
Other people are constantly telling you how to do things, questioning your every move, pushing back, and telling you no. It’s hard to always know what path is the right direction for your business and yourself. Here are 5 things I have developed over the years that help guide me on my entrepreneurial journey. You should try one or all 5 of these. It will help you operate every day and for the big picture.
Surround Yourself with GREAT People
As an entrepreneur your time is valuable, and your mental health is even more precious. People who are negative or heading in a different direction will drag you down. Surround yourself with people who are not just supporters but that you can also learn from. Your business success is dependent on it.
Example: Join a leadership forum where you can share and learn from people who have the same mindset as you…growing a business.
Gratitude Journal
I reflect on all the amazing things in my life and appreciate them in writing every day.
Learn from Your Mistakes
This is a hard one, but as an entrepreneur, you are going to make a lot of mistakes. Own them and learn from them. It’s the only way you will get better.
Example: Why something goes wrong, memorialize it by having a team debrief, writing up the situation and solution. Review significant learning situations with your team monthly, quarterly, and annually.
Go Outside of Your Comfort Zone
When things are going well, it’s easy to get complacent and keep the status quo. So, always be looking for challenges and ways to improve your business. This means seeking out opportunities that are out of your normal routine and that may seem scary at first. You will learn a lot and improve from every lesson.
- Status Quo – You are not good at speaking, so you always let other team members present.
- Out of the comfort zone – Join Toastmasters to learn how to speak in front of people.
Eat Healthy
This doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy the foods you like, it means having a meal plan for what you will eat and NOT eat. Food is fuel for your body and mind. You will have more energy, be more positive, and think clearer for yourself and your business.
Example: Only drink on the weekends, Cook dinner at least 5 days a week, say NO to the office cookies.
You can do it!
I love talking to other entrepreneurs and business owners. Together we can change the world!
If you want to talk more about entrepreneurship and growing your business, reach out to me at or 858.848.7325.