Routine, Routine, Routine… We’ve all been told this, yet we tend to ignore the value of having a good morning routine. WHY?! Because we are good at doing things that are bad for us. Ha…we are also good at creating habits and we can create good habits if we want. When I get out of my morning routine, it always makes the day feel off. But If I have a good morning routine I feel more confident going into the day. Here are my 5 morining rituals that set me straight for the day.
1. Set bedtime & wakeup time
I get up at 5AM every day, except for Saturday…some times. Have a consistent bed time and wake up time. It helps your body sleep better and wake up easier. It also sets you up for a good morning routine.
2. Workout
I like to workout in the morning. It gets your blood flowing your body moving and wakes up the mind. You of course can work out later in the day, but with my busy routine and business I find I’m less likely to make excuses to not work out if I get it done first thing in the mornings. Bonus: the gym tends to not be as crowded in the mornings.
3. Take time for yourself
Meditate – After you get the blood flowing and the body moving, it’s nice to take a few minutes to rest and clear the mind before the day starts. You can start with 5 cleansing breaths or go for a full 10-20 min meditation. What ever works for you, it’s good to take some time for you and your mind. I love using the Headspace app.
4. Healthy Breakfast
You’ve all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I don’t know about that, but I do know if I eat a healthy breakfast it sets the tone for the rest of my meals. Just like waking up and the same time each day, be consistent about what you eat in the morning. I find a protein shake with lots of greens, fruits and vitamins is the best start for me. It doesn’t way me down and I feel energized and ready to go.
5. Dress for success
I know many of us are working from home and PJs are the most inviting. You don’t have to do a full suit, but try to get out of the yoga pants a couple of times of week. Even if you are just going down the hall. Trust me you will feel different about work that day. Smile too!
What morning routines do you have that make you day more successful? Share with us!