If you really want to make your website instantly better, here’s a tip, do a photoshoot. And what do I mean by that? Do a photoshoot that highlights you and your team.
Team Photos vs. Stock Photos
Stock photos are great to get started, but let’s face it, how many times have you seen the same picture on someone else’s website, or in an ad, or brochure? So stop using stock photos.
Professional Photos are Worth the Investment
Spend the investment. It’s a few hundred dollars to get a professional photographer come out, take some photos of your team. Enjoy it and have fun. Your website will look so much better, it will come to life and people will get to really see the personality and the culture that you have within your company. Instant upgrade to your website. You don’t have to do anything else. Have a photoshoot.
What tips do you have to share?
What other tips do you have? What have you done lately to make your website better? And if you want to talk about how to improve your website or how to put together a photoshoot that’s going to really be fun, inexpensive and help your business grow, then contact a REBL or give me a call at (858) 848-7325 and REBLutionize your business marketing today.